Sunday, January 18, 2015

Meroll Onion Ginger Garlic Sauce

Raw onion, garlic, ginger, vegetables, pink salt, vinegar  chilli, almond nuts, grapes with a dash of soy sauce and cooked white rice. So delicious, energise and feeling fresh.

I used to be a hard core meat eater, dislike vegetables and I develop a long list of chronic illness. 

After I under gone the Meroll healthy life education. I am addicted to healthy plant base food and my body is healing so fast even my hair start to grow back and I feel better, younger and stronger than I was in my twenties.

I use to be so sick that I cannot get out of bed, was coughing everyday for months, many of my teeth was rotting away. I keep losing more and more hair and putting on weight. I have high blood pressure, fatty liver, high cholesterol, the serve arthritis was so bad that I was told I need to saw my hip off and replace with prosthetic hip. Than the full body check up came back say that I may have cancer and more test needs to be done.

In another test also came back and confirm that I have diabetes and was told that it may lead to blindnesses, leg amputation and kidney failure.

My options was to go for surgry after surgery and keep taking more and more pills for the rest of my life or learn how to eat delicious and healthy.

After going on the Meroll Healthy 

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